First Retreat
This weeks relaxation retreat revolves around keeping a cool and collected head. It is easy to get overwhelmed when it feels as if life just keeps kicking you while you’re already down. We have all been there – if you say you haven’t, well, either your lying or we are all jealous of you. It’s very difficult to pick up the pieces when we feel like they are crumbling in our hands… but, luckily, I’m here to help guide you in gluing them back together.
So, Seji, how can we do this? I’d like nothing else other than to tell you that it’s simple. The truth is that it is not, though. It really depends on you, your situation, and the healthiest way for you to deal with difficult emotions and stressors. The first step I can encourage you to take is to figure out what works best for you. I can give you countless tips and tricks, but only the ones that work for you will help at the end of the day.

Some questions you can ask yourself when trying to figure your coping mechanisms out are:
Do you like to talk things through or keep them to yourself?
Do you like to sit, think, and reflect or keep yourself distracted?
Does being around others when your upset help or hinder you?
Do you enjoy being outside in nature, or cuddled up comfy at home?
Does self care work for you or does serving others fulfil you more?

Although this is a short list or endless questions that we can ask ourselves, it’s a good start. Keep in mind that there are no wrong answers to these questions, too; it all depends on you and who you are.
Once you figure this out, choosing activities and outlets that fit within your realm of coping will more than likely work best for you!
If you like talking it out, reaching out to a trusted family member, friend, mentor, or colleague to discuss what your going through will help you process your difficult emotions.
If you like to deal with things on your own, taking the time to distract yourself with the things you love doing will aid you in overcoming your struggles. Practice your Kido. Train or study.
If deep and critical thinking helps you figure out the best route to the best outcome, taking the much-needed time to unwind will be better than anything else. Meditate. Find your Zen.
If being around others makes you feel more comfortable, spending time with loved ones or working extra can help. Find a friend to spar with and work out your emotions.
If taking care of yourself makes you feel better, spending a day to pamper yourself may make you feel like a new person. Visit the hot springs or take a nature hike.
Like serving others? Volunteer somewhere that you feel makes a difference or do something nice for someone who means a lot to you.

The possibilities are endless.

Next Time
In later editions, I will dive a little deeper into the different skills and tools needed to deal with the more challenging aspects of life. Some weeks we will discuss breathing skills and techniques, others we will talk about various “self-care” activities. Often times we will learn about how keeping ourselves busy is a good way of keeping ourselves calm, while other times we will take a moment to slow down and be grateful for what we do have. Each time we meet here we will learn a little bit more about ourselves and how to better take care of the bodies and minds we have. We only have this one, so we might as well take good care of it!

Thank you all for joining me on this journey of self love and discovery! I can't wait to see you back next time, and you are more than welcome to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions of what you would like to see in future Relaxation Retreats!

Yours Truly, Seji