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Hayami's Recipe's

Edition 003

Anyone that know's me surely know's that I cannot cook. So I am sure that you are wondering why I am bringing you a blog about recipe's. After all, how can someone that claims to be unable to cook have recipes? Allow me to explain, whilst I am no cullinary wizard, I do love food. And I love to share food and the wonderful creations that my servants come up with. (Luxury of being a noble). And so I had to share some of these delicious recipes with you all, perhaps you can try and make some of them yourself!
The recipe I would like to share with you is certainly a comforting meal and popular dish among the British.


2 pork sausages
2 back bacon
2 eggs
Salt & pepper
Tomatoes (most get medium size and use 2 tomatoes but you can use more or smaller tomatoes)
A handful of mushrooms
2 slices of bread
1/2 tin of baked beans



Warm the beans. Open the can of beans and warm in a small pot over low heat, stirring occasionally.
Cook the sausages and bacon. While the beans are warming, cook the sausages over medium to medium low, until browned and cooked through, turning as needed. Push the sausages to one side and add the bacon and fry, flipping as needed.
Cook the mushrooms and tomatoes. In another pan, sear the mushrooms until brown and caramelized. Move to one side. Add the tomatoes, cut side down and sear.
Fry the bread and cook the eggs. Move the meats from the pan and fry the bread in the drippings until golden and crisp. Cook the eggs in the pan that the mushrooms and tomatoes were in.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog!


Hayami Nitta

coded by Issie