Lieutenant Maral Goto
I reached out to Maral in order to ask him some questions about himself so that we can all get to know him a little bit better!
You’re newly appointed as LT of 11th Division, how do you feel about that?
"I feel utterly great being the new LT! Sure, I feel like I stick out a bit like a sore thumb, since I’m not a huge fighter like most of the 11th Division, plus I find it strange to have people bowing before me now. It’s just strange."
Are you excited to be a part of the 11th Company?
"Of course I’m excited to be a part of it! Spending time with my new squad is going to be a highlight, I just know it! Being able to help with training, or patrolling the Seireitei. All of them are things I want to be able to do."
Do you have any big plans for your Squad?
"Not that I can think of. Captain Maia has plenty of plans for my arrival but I’m not overly worried. I just want to make sure the squad seems friendly to those looking at us from the outside, since some people still think of squad 11 as a squad filled with bloodthirsty sword fighters."
What inspired you to become Zanjutsu Sensei?
"I wanted to be able to help the next generation of Soul Reapers know how to fight, but also because of my own personal tastes, I want to also teach them how to protect. I’ve seen too many of the younger years rushing out into battles, when they should stay and help."
Can you tell us a little about your Fullbring?
"Considering I haven’t shown it to anyone, there’s a lot I could tell you. I suppose I should say that it helps me with my healing capabilities quite substantially. I haven’t had any need to use it recently."
Give me a Maral fun fact?
I can juggle knives. Totally fair. I don’t use my telekinesis on them at all. No. No. That would be cheating.
Some of Maral's favorites:
Color: Blue!
Skill: Healing!
Drink: Cold Milk!
Person: "Wouldn't you like to know."
And there you have it! That's Maral for you. (And I'm bummed he didn't fall for my trap and reveal who he likes!!!)