Chihiro Samejima
Arts Captain
Meet The Staff

Issue #09 (August 30, 2021)

Chihiro Samejima - Arts Captain

Brittany: Why did you pick this job?
Chihiro: "During all my years on WoP/WoX, my job has always been within the Illustration teams. It's where I generally find most enjoyment in what I do, as well as I feel it's somewhere I contribute well. I have a big passion for art and illustration! (I am studying it after all hahah). When it comes to the job, I was directly contacted by our dear Head Captain with an offer for this job during the very early days of this site a couple years ago ^^ Of course me being me, I accepted the invitation, and I couldn't be happier! "

Brittany: Advice for those debating applying for a job?
Chihiro: There is nothing to fear! We love getting applications for our teams, and there is no harm in giving it a shot. We don't bite hahah.
Choose something you know you will enjoy doing, as well as somewhere you know you will perform well. Not to mention, something you have time to do.
Also, don't let the colors be the main focus of which job you choose. I know they're lovely, but choose based on skill and interest and not by the look of it. It never ends well.
So all in all, if there's a team or a job you've been eyeing for a while, go for it! And if you don't get the job or someone else gets it, at least you can say you've tried. There is no shame in that! If anything, you can also ask for constructive advice or any critiques from the person you've applied to, giving you some tips and tricks, as well as some advise, for the next job you apply for.
Never give up!<3

Brittany: If you could pick one other job to do, what would it be?
Chihiro: I have gotten so comfortable just being in my art bubble that it makes it a bit hard to decide. But if I were to pick another job I would maybe go for the Conspirator Team or maybe even a Sensei position!

Brittany: What is one thing about your character that you want people to know about?
Chihiro: "Though her sweet and optimistic personality, she can switch to dead serious in a second according to the situation occurring. Don't be fooled by her mask. She's a fighter and not afraid to bleed, however within non-hollow based conflicts she prefers a pacifistic approach and compromises.
She's also very fond of cheese. Like, v e r y"


| Information about Chihiro |
•Human Soul
•Owner of Mod Soul Fighter

| Facts about Chihiro |
•Usually always in a good mood
•Loves food (especially cheese)
•Very protective of those she loves

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