This week in Seji's Secrets:
A little flirting here, a little torture there...
Welcome to Seji’s Secrets, your home to all of the Seireitei gossip and rumors that we all wish to know and crave. I’ve got little birdies all over the Soul Society, just waiting to find something worthy of sharing with you guys. I've got the latest scoop on all the scandals in the Seireitei. You're not going to want to miss this!
Seireitei Scoop
What a flirt!
To start out this edition of Secrets, we bring up a well known name: Nitta. But, which Nitta are we discussing, hmm? None other than one of the younger pretty boys of the bunch, Kokichi. He seems to be getting along pretty well with the Natsuri girl in the 8th Division, Akali. But, what many might not know is that Kokichi seems to be the Seireitei flirt... going as far as openly flirting with his Sensei during his classes?! I wonder what young Akali or her uncle, the 8th Division Lieutenant, think of this? If this doesn't spell trouble, I don't know what does.
Distance makes the heart grow... colder?
Speaking of trouble in love, it seems our favorite heart throb couple has broken up?! Yes, yes... One Miss Tsuki Ruriko and ex-Captain Seiji Nitta seemed to have split since the last edition of Secrets. What could have happened to cause this break? We would have thought that Tsuki's return to the Soul Society from her studies at the Wing Bind would have rekindled their love for one another, not hinder it. Did heartbreak ultimately lead to an untimely demotion in ranks for Seiji?! I'll make sure to keep you all updated as my birdies bring me more info.
The Gotei 13 shows their true colors!
It's no secret that the Soul Society just embarked on a dangerous mission to dispatch the rogue Fullbringer Shoko Asahara and witch Bonnie Nettles. The mission was a success, but something troubling stood out at the end of these battles... Were the Gotei Captains really arguing on whether or not to torture the disoriented Asahara? Divine Commander Nitta took the man away to the Soul King Realm for questioning, but many other's weren't so happy with this outcome. Onmitsukido Captain Mirei Ikehara seemed pretty determined to get their hands on the man...
All in all, is the Gotei 13 set on torture methods to get their information? I sure hope to never be on our bad side if so.

I asked, You answered
There's no mistaking that many things have occured in the Soul Society as of late... But, I was curious what all you all had to say.
Let's just say, ya'll didn't disappoint.
The desire for beauty
"Head Captain Arata has been in and out of the office for quite a long time. He didn't even show up for the recent attacks against the Gotei 13. Is this the quiet confidence of a leader, or is there something else going on? Those who have spotted The Head Captain say that he looks healthier and well rested. One witness even complimented his looks, stating that 'He looks good, but different somehow. Maybe his lips are fuller?'. Is the true reason for his absence that he was getting plastic surgery?! We might not truly know until he returns and we take a close look at his face..."
I'm not even sure what could be said about this but of information... Arata, you doing okay? Need a get well basket?
This is Child Protective Services... Can you please hold?
"Various sources have reported that a certain Maxwell Ackerman was seen raucously partying with others at night while stating that he wanted children. The only problem was that Ackerman already has a daughter, Vanessa Ackerman, who is 17 years old. Is this a case of a deadbeat dad (probably) or just a strained family relationship? Perhaps Maxwell Ackerman is too busy living the good life to remember his own kids. You decide."
Surely Maxwell didn't completely forget he had a daughter... right?! There has to be some kind of misunderstanding.
It's Your Turn!
And that concludes this week’s updates in Seji’s Secrets! Did you hear of or witness anything else worth talking about lately? Send me a courier with ALL of the juicy details and I’ll be sure to include them in our next edition!