Meet the Staff
Arata Saito - Head Captain

Brittany: Why did you pick this job?
Arata: Well, you can't really start a site and not be its leader. Or, well you can but having someone else executing your vision can be challenging. I could've been Deputy HC but I got convinced that I would be the best person to be the boss green and so here I am!

Brittany: Advice for those debating applying for a job?
Arata: Think about two things; fandom and time. Do you like the fandom and know it fairly well? If yes, then great! Second, do you have the time? And not in the sense of "can I spare three hours everyday like a real job" but more like, can I handle doing an article every week, or a book every month? If you say yes to both, then you need no more convincing!

Brittany: If you could pick one other job to do, what would it be?
Arata: Well, back when I was covering one of the subjects here, I realized I would love to teach on WoR as well, so teacher definitely. Though I'd probably want to teach Hakuda or Catering.

Brittany: What is one thing about your character that you want people to know about?
Arata: Hmmm, I should probably pick something unknown here. Well, Saito has a giant pet dog-thing called Kyo that is always biting his head. He's enormous but adorable.

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