Sensei Spotlight

Edition 1

Everyone please welcome Shin'O Academy's newest Geography Sensei, Lieutenant Jayden Ackerman!
Thanks for agreeing to meet with me, Lieutenant. I'm sure we are all eager to get to know you a little better and to talk about your new position in both Shin'O and the 9th Division.

Jayden Ackerman

9th Division Lieutenant and Geography Sensei

I’m excited to see new teachers here at Shin’O. Why did you decide that geography was the best subject for you to teach?
“Even when I was young, most of my friends would attest to this, but Geography had been my best course. I loved learning about the academy and the world around me from Mrs. Saito. Though, you could say I took it up after being the Kyoushi for a while because I can finally annoy my brother by being ranked above him.” [Nervous laughter]

And what do you think will be your favorite part about teaching geography?
“I think my favorite part will be watching my students blossom from young souls into well trained Reapers, finding their place in the Soul Realm. I have always liked helping my younger siblings learn new things, I like watching people grow and learn from their experiences in life. I hope the future Reapers will be able to experience everything they want in life. As someone once said to me “Whether You Win Or Lose, Looking Back And Learning From Your Experiences Is A Part Of Life.’”

You’ve got big shoes to fill since Yue Sensei stepped down from the position a while back. Do you think you’re up for it?
“Big shoes indeed, she held that spot since the start of the Academy, I believe. Her classes were so much fun, I am a little nervous going into my first week of teaching, but I think everything will work out just fine. Besides, I have to live up to the hopes of those who support me afterall.”

How does it feel to be a new part of the 9th Division? Are you faring well with your squad?
[Nervous laughter] “Well, navigating it is a little… challenging at times. Though, I believe I am faring very well so far. It's a little intimidating, but once you get settled, everything gets a little easier. Being thrown into new situations is what life is about, expected or unexpected. You just have to make the most of it no matter what.”

Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself, Jayden?
“Oh, that is a giant can of worms that could be split. Well, I would like to start by saying that I come from a giant family. I have nine siblings, the oldest being 38 and the youngest being 12. I have two kids, 3 and 4 respectively, and an army of pandas, that Iaso manage to train to fist fight each other… Being a co-parent with my brother, Maxwell, is interesting. He helps me take care of my army of pandas. Mmm, what else can I say about myself, oh, if you see me carrying around a box, it’s because I like sitting in them. I don’t know why, it just gives a sense of comfort. Doodling is my passion, so if you have a small drawing of a fish or a panda in the corner of your graded papers, that was me, sorry. Anyway, um, if there is anything else you’d like to know, give me a message and I will let you know.” [Jazz Hands]

Thank you so much again, Jayden! Good luck on your new adventures in teaching!