We're changing things up a bit this time, guys! Instead of having me describe one of our users amazing powers, I've reached out and asked one of you to secretly describe someone else!
This week we I would love you all to welcome the amazing Lieutenant Makoto Enoshima! The 10th Division LT has picked two of you to describe in only a few words... and it is your job to try and decipher who he is talking about!
Without further ado, your first clue is:
- He’s creative, funny, nonsensical but kind, and will resort to the silliest of ideas.
What about this next one? Your second clue is:
- He’s mysterious, interesting, talktative, and very flirtatious.
Do you have any guesses? I'd love to know - place your guesses below and maybe win a lovely prize!

Seji Midori
13th Division Captain