Head Captain Arata saito

World of Reapers is the site that has stolen our hearts, at least mine. But the site wouldn't be the same without the wonderful people that creates the content. Yes, I'm talking about the staff, both adult and student.
So, I wanted to create a column to honour them all. And why not? To get to know them better! Not only the character, we can always read their profiles and topics. I mean the user that is behind the character. Isn't it interesting?
But who is the head of the site? Who is the big boss? Yes everyone here knows who I am talking about, and I can't start this kind of articles without him being the first.
Arata Saito, Head Captain of World of Reapers. One of the people that founded the site, and has been in this position since the very begining. It's an honour for me to interview him, and I hope you all enjoy it!
You are one of the creators of World of Reapers, I want to thank you for this wonderful site! Why did you decide to create World of Reapers? How was the process?
Hello! Yes, I am the big green that started it all. The why is a difficult one to answer. I think the idea hit me at a time where I was craving something very specific from WoX, something that none of the sites I was active on could give me. It was a long and difficult process with a lot of drastic changes. Even at one point, I abandoned the project, not wanting to deal with the idea of working so hard and getting nowhere. But eventually, I picked WoR up again, got myself a truly trusty team, and now here we are!
You have been the Head Captain since the very begining, and it's a huge responsability. What does a Head Captain exactly do? What do you like the most about your job?
Well, as Head Captain I'm basically your site maintenance man! Any time you see site design changes, new shops, hidden classes, or perhaps everything looks broken and then the next day it's fixed, that would be me! I also am in charge of all the Captains and it's my job to dish out their workloads, review all their stuff, and look after their teams and jobs when they aren't around. These are only two examples of my regular workload but I think these two are the biggest aspects. The thing I like most is definitely messing with the code and making the site look pretty.
Now, imagine being Head Captain is not an option for you! Which would be your dream position? Why?
Oh my, I can't decide! My choices would really be between Ops Lead, Event Lead, Clan Commander, or just Hakuda teacher. Out of all of them though, Ops Lead is my pick. I've been a backstory person throughout all my time on WoX, with my first ever job all the way back on WoP being the Backstory team. Then my first ever grad job was Backstory Leader! If I had to choose the next best thing, it would be that.
Do you want to share something with the beloved users of World of Reapers?
Yes, I would like to share some age old wisdom. "Politicians are flammable."
Thank you for the interview Head Captain, it was truly inspiring. Don't you agree, my dear readers? I can't wait to bring you soon new staff members, but I won't reveal who my next vict... Emm, guest, will be.
Oh, one last thing before I go! I will leave you here the job openings of World of Reapers. Don't hesitate to check the clubs!
Grad Staff
Operatives Captain
Fullbringer Clan Commander
Quincy Clan Commander
Sensei of Healing
Student Jobs
Hatsumomo Ishikawa