Beyond the screen

Deputy Head Captain Sayuri Miho

Hello my dear readers! Hatsumomo is here, and with a brand new article!

World of Reapers, that amazing written RPG site that has blown our minds! But our beloved site doesn't work on its own... There are many users than give a bit of their free time to turn it in a wonderful place.

So, I wanted to create a column to honour them all. And why not? To get to know them better! Not only the character, we can always read their profiles and topics. I mean the user that is behind the character. Isn't it interesting?

In the last article we got to know better the person behind Arata Saito... But who is his right hand? Who does he rely on when he needs help?

You all know who I am talking about, our wonderful Sayuri Miho. The beloved Deputy Head Captain, leader of the 5th Division is the person behind the scenes that makes everything work with Arata. The dream duo! Without further delays, I will leave you her interview!

- First of all, thank you for your time. You have been the Deputy Head Captain of World of Reapers for quite some time now. What position did you have before? What were your motivations to become Deputy Head Captain?

Thank you for this lovely interview, dear! I have been the DHC for so long that it almost feels like I've been doing this forever, but as you pointed out, that is actually not the case! Before the position I was actually the Kido Training sensei! Ah, good times those were, educating the youth! I had a lot of fun writing those lessons, and I kept doing it for a while even after I became DHC, up until Katon sent a stellar application and we hired him as my successor.

- Some of our readers may be new in the site and don't know how everything works. Can you tell us how is the work of a Deputy Head Captain? What do you like the most of your job?

But of course, I'd love to! The primary job of the DHC is to manage the sensei, master and kyoushi team. Basically, if it involves the Academy, classes, homework, it's my job! I cover up for sensei, manage the classes that don't have anyone in the position, make sure everyone is meeting deadlines and so on! But of course, this is just one of the things that I do. When I am not managing my amazing sensei team (and lets be honest, they are all so great that they barely need my help) I am helping Arata with anything site related. From thinking about new features, creating little events, making sure that the code is behaving and refining our look, as well as helping out with the socials I have my hands in everything!

- Now, imagine being Deputy Head Captain is not an option for you! Which would be your dream position? Why?

Oh well you see, anyone who truly knows me can easily guess this, When I first discover sites like WoR, way before World of Reapers opened, I have one job: scribe leader. Being in charge of the library, writing books and helping users out with the lore is a big passion for me! Of course at the time when I joined WoR we already had a lovely scribe leader, Niko, so they definitely did not need me for this, but I still enjoy writing books every so often, sometimes under different names ;)

- Do you want to share something with the beloved users of World of Reapers?

The first time I discovered Bleach I was 13–14 years old. This was more than 17 years ago (yes, I am dating myself). I have spent more than half of my life in love with this manga and anime, to the point that it will always be among my absolute favourite, and I know way too much about it. Being able to share my love for this story with all of you, create my own characters and play them out with you lot is one of the highlights of my days, so thank you all for being part of our big crazy family ♥ (and if you have friends who could maybe love WoR, please help us to make this family even bigger!)

Thank you for the interview Deputy Head Captain, it was very inspiring. Don't you agree, my dear readers? I can't wait to bring you soon new staff members, but I won't reveal who my next vict... Emm, guest, will be.

Oh, one last thing before I go! I will leave you here the job openings of World of Reapers. Don't hesitate to check the clubs!

Grad Staff

Operatives Captain
Fullbringer Clan Commander
Quincy Clan Commander
Sensei of Healing

Student Jobs



Hatsumomo Ishikawa