Lieutenant Seiji Nitta

World of Reapers, that amazing writte RPG site that has blown our minds! But our beloved site doesn't work on its own... There are many users than give a bit of their free time to turn it in a wonderful place.
So, I wanted to create a column to honour them all. And why not? To get to know them better! Not only the character, we can always read their profiles and topics. I mean the user that is behind the character. Isn't it interesting?
In the last article we got to know better the person behind Sayuri Miho. This time, I'm bringing you a very well known person in World of Reapers, someone that has been with us since the very begining of WoR!
Some of you may know who I'm talking about, the person behind Hayami and Seiji Nitta. This user is more than a veteran, and no one can imagine World of Reapers without her and the Nitta character she has created with so much love.
- First of all, thank you for your time. You have held a few positions in World of Reapers, and it's difficult to imagine the site without you. What positions have you holded before these ones? What were your motivations to chose the jobs you already have?
Of course, always happy to chat. I've held numerous positions during my time on WoR but my very first role was the Noble Society Sensei all the way back before the site even launched. At that time I had just heard about a Bleach-based site in the making and given my love for Bleach, I had to join. At that time I saw there were one or two job positions available and I just had to be a part of it in some way. One of those jobs was Noble Society and immediately I thought back to this character that I had invented years ago, she had no name, but I knew her very well. A cold, serious, stern and aristocratic woman who desired power and authority but suffered deeply at the politics her family was involved in and so Hayami Nitta came to life and Arata gave me the job.
Not long after the site launched, I became a scribe, and that was with Seiji Nitta. I'd always been curious about how that team worked and I love writing so I thought why not give it a try. There was also some IG inspiration involved, the scribe team is part of Squad 6 which I'm sure everyone knows by now is my favorite division from Bleach so I felt it matched Seiji very nicely at that time.
Then I was the SoMe lead. I'd had a little bit of experience with social media across wox sort of unofficially and I wanted to help out in the area and gain experience whilst I was discovering Canva. I did this approx for a year before the grad subjects arrived (I think this is the correct timeline, I've had a lot of jobs XD) and I always hoped that the Royal Guard would be an option, which it was. I applied for that right away, I was so facinating by Squad Zero when I read the manga and immediately I knew it would be perfect for Hayami who's entire life and ambitions were geared to this sort of thing and that's why I applied. I have also been a Scribe lead for a bit with Seiji, I had already had experience with writing books and I loved the division. And then CE, I had never really considered myself a good enough writer to write articles, especially consistently as finding inspiration can be difficult but I was eager to help out the site and I actually found I really enjoyed writing articles elsewhere so that's how I got these current jobs I have. However, real life does get involved and whilst I sadly no longer hold the CE position, I'm more than happy to take up my old class, it means a lot to me, and the lesson schedule fits more with my irl.
- Some of our readers may be new in the site and don't know how everything works. Can you tell us how is the work of a Master and Sensei? What do you like the most of your jobs?
So a Master position is pretty simple to an extent. I always like to start with a plan for the course and then split it in to individual lessons before expanding on that in an actual lesson. Being the sensei is pretty much the same work-wise.
- Now, imagine you couldn't be Sensei with Seiji and Master with Hayami! Which ones would be your dream positions for your characters? Why
Wow that's a tough question, Hayami has always been very clearly defined for me and I think she fits perfectly with where she is right now but if she wasn't a master I would happily have her in Squad 6 again. She was the Lieutenant of that division for decades and whilst she isn't there now it was her very first division and it holds a lot of memories for her, her mother was in that division as well as generations of Nitta's before her.
Seiji is a little more difficult, in some ways he's a lot more complicated and adaptable so from an IG persepctive it's almost difficult to choose however from an OOG perspective I would maybe say Squad 2 as the Backstory lead (I've always been very curious about that role personally) and I do think Seiji would get along there well enough given he's a rather silent stoic type. Though of course, much like his sister, his heart is in the 6th division.
- Do you want to share something with the beloved users of World of Reapers?
What do I want to share? I want to say thank you to everyone who has made World of Reapers a safe and special place in my heart, for letting me bring these characters to life. Whilst I know the Nitta family is a large one, each and every one of them is unique and dear to my heart and it's through you and the site that I've been able to let my creativity flow and create these complex, rich stories and I've made some very special friends here.
Thank you for the interview, it was truly inspiring. Don't you agree, my dear readers? I can't wait to bring you soon new staff members, but I won't reveal who my next vict... Emm, guest, will be.
Oh, one last thing before I go! I will leave you here the job openings of World of Reapers. Don't hesitate to check the clubs!
Grad Staff
Operatives Captain
Quincy Clan Commander
Chief Editor of the Reaper Weekly
Sensei of Healing
Student Jobs
Hatsumomo Ishikawa