year 16, month 7
written by
Takehiko Saito
What would we consider the ultimate battle between two forces? Light versus dark? Water versus fire? Time versus tide? There's plenty of battles that we could put up against each other but we have one here that may truly give some cool and chilling results. Fear versus fear. Fear through the power of mental manipulation and fear through the exploitation of sorrow and loss. Truly two abilities that would set the answer to the question, who has the scariest powers of them all? Today we will analyse the abilities of a master of fear, As Nodt, against our own 6th Division Captain and a wielder of dread, Hitori Saito.

As Nodt - Tartarforas

In its regular form, As Nodt's power The Fear comes in the form of reishi thorns that father around him. As can throw these thorns at his enemies, and has absolute control over them, however, their offensive capability is not all they can do. When an enemy is struck by these thorns, they induce overwhelming fear in the opponent. This causes doubt, loss of control, and visions. The primary trick is affecting the eyes of the opponent, forcing them to see things that aren't there and allowing the madness to set in from that. The worst part of this terrible power, once it starts, it can’t be stopped. Anyone that starts seeing the visions of fear can never go back and even a strong show of willpower will only lessen the effects, not defeat it entirely.

In his Vollstandig, Tartarforas, As Nodt's fear generation power is greatly amplified, requiring his opponent to only see him to be overcome with fear. Of course, once again, it cannot be stopped no matter how hard you try. As Nodt can also create a dome of eyes round his enemies, making it completely unavoidable for his opponents to see him or avoid his gaze. As Nodt can also trigger a transformation stage in Vollstandig, basically turning him into a gigantic deformed meat puppet with the remains of his actual body hanging from his chin. However, it's unknown if he has any advanced powers in this form as he never gets the chance to show it.

Hitori Saito - Sasayaku

Now we go to Hitori's Sasayaku. This zanpakutō is apparently not originally owned by Hitori but by a noble that lived and died a long time ago. Now, as of current time, this zanpakutō holds no bankai capabilities, but once again, we have asked for what bankai might exist (if any) should we make the comparison and oh boy did we get one.

Those who have already experienced Sasayaku will know plenty about it already. This zanpakutō uses the power of illusion and preys on feelings of sorrow and despair to mentally break down opponents. When released, it creates a field of deafness, causing all other sounds to be completely blocked out. The only sound heard is a whisper when Hitori strikes an opponent. However, in Shikai, the blade of the sword reforms into a grey smoke that is used for the bulk of the abilities.

In Shikai, Sasayaku has the power to make people hear voices, and even temporarily eliminate happy memories, as well as attack and create a wall of smoke as a physical defence. Then there's it's final attack, Kuro Yagi, a horrifying ability that causes a full breakdown of an enemy until they start wishing to be defeated.

Now, we asked Hitori, could Sasayaku have a bankai form? Apparently it can, Sasayaku no tsurigane, The Whispering Funeral Bell. Hitori's theoretical bankai comes in the form of a giant bell that looms over him. The field of deafness now allows for no noises whatsoever unless Hitori swings Sasayaku's hilt to strike the bell. Each toll causes the sounds of angered weeps to fill the air around his opponent, or anyone unlucky to be in the vicinity. As the toll count increases, the bankai abilities begin, with five, ten, and twenty bell rings each triggering a new and haunting effect. The worst part? Covering your ears does nothing.

Final Battle - Sasayaku vs Tartarforas

Honestly, this is a tough match up to say the least. Tartarforas depends entirely on dominating an enemy's vision, whereas Sasayaku depends on the ability to listen. And the even better part? Neither of these powers could be solved with a simple see no evil, hear no evil solution. In terms of raw powers and abilities, I personally feel the sheer scale of abilities that Sasayaku has would secure a win for Hitori, though it would only be achieved through a Vollstandig vs Bankai battle. Then again, As Nodt has made it clear that he only holds the one traumatic experience in his past and that wasn't even the part he was afraid of, rather he was afraid of what might be yet to come.

In that regard, Hitori's powers would fall short as his powers dominate the memories of others, not so much their fears of the things they have not already experienced. It seems clear here that the real battle would be the battle of wills. Who of the two has truly mastered their own fear? Could Hitori draw out As Nodt's fear of Hell and use that to be victorious? Perhaps As Nodt would be able to prey on Hitori's fears, whatever they may be. It all really comes down to one question, which is stronger. Internal fear of the self and one's own memory, or raw fear of the unknown and beyond?

I will leave that up to all of you in the comments! If you enjoyed this blog, why not comment another user in the Powers Club to get matched up with a fitting enemy and see if we can analyse their capabilities!

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