Dear readers for World of Reapers, welcome to the twelfth episode of WoR Job Agency! Last week, we presented to you the job of Taijutsu sensei, and so today it is time for a student job!

So, without further ado, let’s present the twelfth job that is in need to be filled:

The job of Kyoushi is a very important one is a site that hosts a proper school, such as the Shin'O Academy. Kyoushi are in charge of make sure that our students' assignments are graded and cared for, but that is not all. They are also there to help students with every questions they might have about a subject, as well as helping out their sensei with whatever is needed. Kyoushi and Sensei are a strong team!

Right now, not every sensei is looking for a kyoushi. Because of that, while you are still free to apply to be a kyoushi for any of the classes that currently don't have one, I will ask you to consider these two first: Geography and healing.


The workload of a Kyoushi is quite simple. By Friday, you'll have to make sure that there are no more homework to grade for your subject. You'll also have to remember to check your couriers for any possible questions users could ask you, as well as just being active on site. Pretty good, right?


And now, let’s talk about the IG (in game) perks this job comes with. If you'll become Kyoushi, you'll get the unique oportunity to become the Junior Officer of the division your sensei is Lieutenant of. Since we are focusing on Geography and Healing, let's talk about them!

If you become healing kyoushi, you'll become the 4th division Junior Officer. The 4th Division of the Gotei 13 is an iconic one. It's insignia is the bellflower and the colour is dusky pink. It is the division in charge of all medical matters, as well as providing supplies to all the other divisions. As you can see, it is truly a vital one!

If you become geography kyoushi, you'll become the 9th division junior officer. The 9th Division of the Gotei 13 is an interesting one. It's insignia is the poppy and the colour is tennè. It is the division in charge of information, and its members are all highly skilled in coordinated group attacks!

But that is not all folks! Because being a Kyoushi means to have a unique connection with the deputy head captain and so you could also choose to become a 5th division junior officer and work directly under me! And I promise... I don't bite. So if you feel like the Division of your sensei doesn't really fit your character, no worries, Ill happily take you in!


Now that you know all these information about the job, what do you actually need to apply?
Here are the requirements you need to meet in order to apply:

  • • You need to be at least 13 years old irl
  • • You need to have digital art experience
  • • You need to know the WoR rules, as you’ll be expected to be a role model
  • • You need a backstory of at least 150 words and you need to have a profile text
  • • You need to be an active member of the site
  • • You need to have Discord and be able to check it frequently

If you meet all these criteria, great! Now what do you actually need to write in your application?

  • • Your Name and Clan
  • • Your IRL age and timezone
  • • A little about yourself, let us know you!
  • • A list of all your WoX-WoP characters that are active and have jobs
  • • Any experience you have with Social Media, both on the WoP/WoX sites as well as IRL.
  • • Some knowledge that you already possess about the subject you are applying for.

The application needs to be sent via courier to me (Sayuri Miho) and the sensei of the subject you are interested in.

Well, that is all for today! I have given you a lot of information, I know, but if you still have questions, do not hesitate to send me a courier, I would love to help you out.
And of course, the sensei team will be waiting for your applications!