Dear readers for World of Reapers, welcome to the fifth episode of WoR Job Agency! Last week, we presented to you the job of Conspirator, and so today it is time for another graduate job!
So, without further ado, let’s present the fifth job that is in need to be filled:
Being a Clan Commander is truly one of the most involved occupations you could have in the site. As the Fullbringer clan commander, you will be in charge of being a role model and a mentor to all the wonderful fullbringers, old and new, that appear on your site. You'll be able to help people understand the site better, you could host games and event, and of course write articles for your Clan, how amazing is that?
As a Clan Commander, you will be one of the most looked up figures in our site. You will be a fundamental member of the staff team and the key element to bring your Clan to victory. Are you up for the challenge?
Being a Clan Commader is one of the most demanding jobs in term of weekly workload, but if you have passion and organization skills, it will be a piece of cake. You will be in charge or producing at least one article per week, and you will be expected to be active in chat and partecipate to various site activities weekly.
Ideally once a year, you'll be in charge of organizing a clan event. It can be as small or as big as you want.
And now, let’s talk about the IG (in game) perks this job comes with. If you’ll become the new Fullbringer Clan Commander, you’ll be promoted as 4th Division Captain, in charge of medical and supplies for the whole Gotei 13.
The 4th Division of the Gotei 13 is truly a special one. It's insignia is the bellflower and the colour is dusky pink. It has the fundamental speciality of being the division who is in charge for medical and supplies, and because of that it is in charge of the Coordinated Relief Station, the "hospital" of the Gotei 13.
The words of the division are "Those who grieve are loved".

Now that you know all these information about the job, what do you actually need to apply?
Here are the requirements you need to meet in order to apply:
- • You need to be at least 15 years old irl
- • You need to have a good level of English writing and comprehension
- • You need to know the WoR rules, as you’ll be expected to be a role model
- • You need to have at least a base knowledge about the Fullbringers lore
- • You need a backstory of at least 250 words and a profile text of at least 100 words
- • You need to have a Discord and being able to check it frequently
- • And of course, you need to be an active member of the site
If you meet all these criteria, great! Now what do you actually need to write in your application?
- • Your Name
- • Any other users you have on WoR and other sites, including their jobs (both student and graduate jobs)
- • Your irl age
- • A little about yourself, let us know you!
- • Any past experience that would be relevant to this job
- • At least one clan event idea for the Fullbringers
- • A coded clan article example
- • Anything else that you can offer as Fullbringer Clan Commander, and why we should choose you for this position.
The application needs to be sent as a Google document link via courier to both Sayuri Miho and Arata Saito.
Well, that is all for today! I have given you a lot of information, I know, but if you still have questions, do not hesitate to send me, Sayuri Miho, a courier, I would love to help you out.
And of course, me and Arata will be waiting for your applications!