Welcome back to another edition of 'Who Said It?'! If you don't remember, my name is Wakuwara Fuminpaku, or Walkie Talkie for short. I am here to not only to advertise our amazing site, but ot bring you this fun blog!
To recap, each week I will be giving you guys a line from the anime, and I want to see how many of you can guess who said it. Remember, I am writing the quote in morse code. Know why? Because I can!
So last weeks quote was said by none other then Shinsui Kyoraku! The quote was also pretty inspirational and I think I may use that for my yearbook quote one day. Anyway, for all those who participated, thank you and keep your hats on, for a prize will be sent your way!
So anyway, let us see what the second quote of this edition is:
-. --- / -- .- - - . .-. / .... --- .-- / ... - .-. --- -. --. / .- / -.. . ..-. . -. ... . --..-- / .- / ... - .-. --- -. --. . .-. / --- ..-. ..-. . -. ... . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / .- .-.. .-- .- -.-- ... / ... .... .- - - . .-. / .. -
And that is all for this week! Comment below on who said it, and a special prize will be sent your way.