Dear readers for World of Reapers, welcome to the eight episode of WoR Job Agency!
Last week, we presented to you the job of Kido Training Sensei, and I truly hope to receive some excellent applications for that subject! Today, it is the turn of another job that is very important for our site, and it is a student job!
So, without further ado, let’s present the fourth job that is in need to be filled:
The job of the Artist team, also called Illustrators, is creating and illustrating the many items and pictures within the site. Whether it is the apple in Fruits of Reiatsu or the red panda in the Companion Store, or even the Yen and default profile pictures for each gender, someone within this club have created it from scratch. With only the help of a mouse or drawing tablet, determination, a passion for art, a digital art program and strong motivation, the Artist team creates and expands the site in various ways with new items and new features.
The Artist job is a job for those extra creative souls, who express their creativity often in a visual and artistic manner.
The monthly workload is pretty simple; you illustrate new items within a given item list, (or by special request), which you then send for evaluation from the Captain. After that you tweak and fix it a bit till it's up to standard and in correlation with the site's art style (if needed), before then getting it uploaded on site.
Sounds easy right? If you have a lot of fun with it and the motivation for it, it will be! However, it must be said that good art can take time, hence the monthly and not weekly workload compared to other jobs on site. We want only the best for the coolest site ever!
And now, let’s talk about the IG (in game) perks this job comes with. If you’ll become a messenger, you’ll be promoted as Junior 10th Division officer, and your Captain will the be current Captain of the Arts (who right now is Chihiro Samejima). This means that you get to experience what being part of the Gotei 13 means, before you even graduate, which is a very unique opportunity.
The 10th Division of the Gotei 13 is a wonderful one. It's insignia is the daffodil and the colour is dark green. It is the division that in the past was led by the youngest Captain in history, Toshiro Hitsugaya, and it has the unique duty of guarding Naraki City in Japan, Human World.
The words of the division are "Mystery, Egoism".

Now that you know all these information about the job, what do you actually need to apply?
Here are the requirements you need to meet in order to apply:
- • You need to be at least 13 years old irl
- • You need to have digital art experience
- • You need to know the WoR rules, as you’ll be expected to be a role model
- • You need a backstory of at least 150 words and you need to have a profile text
- • You need to be an active member of the site
- • You need to have Discord and be able to check it frequently
If you meet all these criteria, great! Now what do you actually need to write in your application?
- • Your Name and Clan
- • Your irl age and timezone
- • A little about yourself, let us know you!
- • A list of all your WoX-WoP characters that are active and have jobs
- • Your experience with digital art.
- • Why should we hire you.
- • Your strenghts and weaknesses.
- • Two digital illustration to showcase your talent.
The application needs to be sent via courier to Chihiro Samejima.
Well, that is all for today! I have given you a lot of information, I know, but if you still have questions, do not hesitate to send me or Chihiro a courier, we would love to help you out.
And of course, Chihiro will be waiting for your applications!