Dear readers for World of Reapers, welcome to a brand-new Blog Series by your one and only Deputy Head Capain: WoR Job Agency!
Every week, we’ll talk about graduate or student jobs that need filling in the site. Which IG perks do they come with? What are the duties and the weekly workload? Why would that be the job for you and what do you need to do to apply? You’ll get all the answers here!
So, without further ado, let’s present the first job that is in need to be filled:
Healing is a 4-years long subject on WoR that has the perfect amalgamation of lore and irl content. You'll be able to talk about the many healers that are presented in the Bleach universe (from shinigami to Quincy to regular humans), the art of Kaido (the healing kido), but you'll also be able to talk about traditional and modern healing techniques that any user could find useful during their adventure.
Being only a 4-years subject, you'll be able to carefully plan your course and jampack it of cool information!
The weekly workload for this job is quite simple: every week by Friday you will have to upload a lesson for the upcoming week and clear all the ungraded homework (or make sure that your kyoushi does it for you, if you have one).
Right now, Year 1-to-3 are being completely written, while year 4 has been subbed by myself, so what happens if you get the job today? Every week, you will need to upload just the next week’s lesson from year 4 and on. You can do more of course, and you write lessons for the first 3 years right away... it is totally up to you!
So to sum up, the minimum weekly workload is: write a single lesson and grade the homework of that week.
And now, let’s talk about the IG (in game) perks this job comes with. If you’ll become the new Healing sensei, you’ll be promoted as 4th Division Lieutenant, and your Captain will the be current Fullbringer Clan Commander (another job we are hiring for).
The 4th Division of the Gotei 13 is truly a special one. It's insignia is the bellflower and the colour is dusky pink. It has the fundamental speciality of being the division who is in charge for medical and supplies, and because of that it is in charge of the Coordinated Relief Station, the "hospital" of the Gotei 13.
The words of the division are "Those who grieve are loved".

Now that you know all these information about the job, what do you actually need to apply?
Here are the requirements you need to meet in order to apply:
- • You need to be at least 14 years old irl
- • You need to have a good level of English writing and comprehension
- • You need to know the WoR rules, as you’ll be expected to be a role model
- • You need a backstory of at least 250 words
- • And of course, you need to be an active member of the site
If you meet all these criteria, great! Now what do you actually need to write in your application?
- • Your Name
- • Any other users you have on WoR and other sites, including their jobs (both student and graduate jobs)
- • Your irl age
- • A little about yourself, let us know you!
- • Any past experience that would be relevant to this job
- • Two history lessons from two different years
- • BONUS: if you could already show you a year plan (just the title of the lessons for each week), it would be surely highly considered.
The application needs to be sent as a Google document link via courier to both Sayuri Miho and Arata Saito.
Well, that is all for today! I have given you a lot of information, I know, but if you still have questions, do not hesitate to send me, Sayuri Miho, a courier, I would love to help you out.
And of course, me and Arata will be waiting for your applications!