paper name
Guess What you Hear?
Edition #001
Written by:
Adrian Morningstar

Hello Fellow Residents,
This week we have something new and fun planned for you. We will be testing how much you all know about some of the very famous songs made, they can be old, they can be new. We will be listing some facts about a specific song and you will have a week's time to get back to us with the answer.

The song for this week:
-is a duet
-was sung by a couple
-was released in June 2019
-is set around a diner
-has a motorcycle scene
-was very catchy

Did that ring a bell? Did the many songs you have heard ring through your head? Well if yes then I wish you luck in looking for this one and getting back to me with it. Maybe you will get an awesome surprise if you are on time.

Think you know the answer, send them in a mail to me titled Guess It-Answers (use the same one everytime). First five guessers will get a prize.

Happy Hunting.
Peace out.

code by Aurum