WoR Job Agency
Welcome to the WoR Job Agency where we will help you find the perfect job for you and show off our available positions in the Seireitei.

- From : Sayuri Miho

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Yue Saito

Yue Saito Definitely apply to be part of this amazing staff!

Tsukiko Mihara

Tsukiko Mihara Ooh, yes, please apply! As an added bonus, you get me as your Kyoushi :D

Aiko Hattori

Aiko Hattori Taijutsu is a great class, and very easy to write!! I hope you apply to it, and to the rest of the subjects <3

Miyashiro Soshu

Miyashiro Soshu This is an amazing class. I really recommend it!

Meeting place for Reapers

Become a part of the most amazing online Bleach and Burn The Witch universe and meet a lot of nice and kind people who love anime and Bleach as much as you do. We happily welcome you!

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