2023-06-04 02:30:00 - From : Seji Midori
Makoto Enoshima It’s obviously the best Captain :P Aka, Chihiro Samejima!
2023-06-04 09:49:42
Seji Midori I’d have to agree on those, Isao. But, alas, that is not the correct answer. Sorry, please try again.
2023-06-04 03:25:12
Isao Morishita I'm cute and sweet, so it must be me
2023-06-04 03:08:45
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World Of Reapers
Makoto Enoshima It’s obviously the best Captain :P Aka, Chihiro Samejima!
Seji Midori I’d have to agree on those, Isao. But, alas, that is not the correct answer. Sorry, please try again.
Isao Morishita I'm cute and sweet, so it must be me