In Bankai form, this spirit becomes Mugenkūchū Danzetsu, Infinite Sky: Extinction. In this form, Mugenkūchū looks much older as a spirit, still looking human but more athletic. The appearance of Mugenkūchū changes to a long nodachi with a golden dragon as the tsuba. At this point, Mugenkūchū has the ability to cut through the non-physical.
Mugenkūchū's final form is Bankai Fusion, the merging of Arata's soul with that of his spirit. This form is called Mugenkūchū Shiroakuma. As Mugenkūchū increases in power level, it channels power in between itself and Saito. However, this transference slowly seeps away Saito's humanity in the procees. In its final form, Mugenkūchū grants Saito the ability to become so numb that he doesn't even register pain. This makes him unstoppable, but at the same time, takes away his humanity completely, making him unable to distinguish friend from foe.