Fourth Division


The fourth division of the Gotei 13 is of the most characteristic divisions, with a very peculiar role. It is led by the Fullbringer commander and its main role is managing the Relief Station, which is the main hospital of Seiretei. Most healing specialists are in this division, and it contains subdivisions dedicated to logistical activity such as managing the cleaning of Seireitei. Without this division, the Gotei 13 would have a real hard time operating.

Because of its various and diverse duties, the 4th Division is divided into several subdivisions:
  1. CRS: In charge of providing medical care and first aid to all division's within the barracks of the 4th division as well as sending out supply runs and organising clean ups.
  2. Advanced Relief Teams: Organised teams to be dispatched to emergencies where first aid is required out in the field in the Soul Society.
  3. Field Unit: This team operates in the Kyoto region of Japan, this unit is both skilled in healing and combat but the focus is on monitoring and gathering intel.

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Fourth Division ↗
--coded by Nicole--