Fifth Division


The fifth division of the Gotei 13 is the division led by the Deputy Head Captain. While holding the general duties of all Gotei 13 divisions, the 5th has two special duties: managing the Shin’O Academy and being in charge of Diplomacy with any entity outside of the Soul Society, including especially Reverse London and the Hueco Mundo.

Because of its various and diverse duties, the 5th Division is divided into three subdivisions:
  1. Ningen shibu: Human branch, in charge of the training of new recruits and the patrolling of the Human World. Every new recruit starts in this subdivision.
  2. Kyouka shibu: Education branch, in charge of the Shin’O Academy and other duties around the Soul Society.
  3. Gaikoku shibu: Foreign branch, in charge of any liaison duties towards Foreign bodies, with a special focus on Reverse London.
The 5th Division barracks are built inside a beautiful Sakura trees park, reminishent of the Captain's home district, Yugurenoyama. The buildings are in a traditional style with a modern look, and they are built in red bricks and stone for extreme durability. The barracks themselves are strongly focused on the family aspect of its officers, and they include living quarters for families and single officers, as well as markets, cafees, restaurants and even a library and a school for the officers' offspring.

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Fifth Division ↗
--coded by Nicole--