Eight Division


The eight division of the Gotei 13 is a peculiar division, not focused on raw power but instead on practicality, utility and efficiency, with a strong attention for teamwork as well. The division has a strong connection with Rukongai due to its primary duty of managing the Gotei 13 logistics and supplies. It is in charge of delivering regular supplies, such as food and materials, as well as special orders and on-request equipment.

The 8th division second special duty revolves around hollow bounties. Any hollow in the Human World that grows too much in power will be flagged by the 8th as a special target, a name will be assigned to it based on its special abilities and a bounty will be determined and announced to all the Soul Reapers. To do this, the division works in contact with the 12th Division, which provides intelligence.

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Eight Division ↗
--coded by Nicole--