Ninth Division


The ninth division of the Gotei 13 is a unique division as it adds to regular duties the managing of arts and culture, and especially news, as it is in charge of writing and distributing the Reaper Weekly, one of the few official Seireitei newspapers. Its other main duty, in stark contrast with this, is managing the emergency response to events. When accidents happen, it will be the 9th who will be in charge of coordinating the other divisions to produce the quickest and most efficient response.

Because of its various and diverse duties, the 9th Division is divided into two subdivisions:
  1. Reaper Weekly: In charge of writing articles and keeping the Seireitei up to date with current events.
  2. Karuchāsentā: Culture centre, in charge of educating and offering various opportunities to officers to engage in art and cultural studies.
The 6th Division barracks are very traditional and focused on leisure and relaxation, to ensure a good down time for its officers. There is a focus on education and training, to create a strong sense of unity, beloning and loyalty to the division.

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--coded by Nicole--